Tuesday, March 3, 2009

At last....

We are mostly settled in our little rental in Boise Idaho. Dan is busy trying to be busy at work (little does he know that this is the only time during 'the season' when it's like this and come mid March he will be begging for the relaxed nature of pre-season advertising). I'm still trying to find a job...Dan may disagree but I think over 50 resumes in a month, not to mention the hundreds of posts my mother forwarded me from craigslist that without fail are gone once I get to them. In any event, I keep pretty busy keeping the house in organized chaos, trying to find lamp shades on clearance, large mirrors at the DI or on craigslist, picking up after Pixie (our cute, but foot fettished ferret..I'll post pics later) and playing with Jackson. Not to mention the crafts that have exploded since I now have my own little corner/room (though not well insulated) in the house. I think I have over 6 car seat covers cut out waiting to be sewn, and 3 sets of the cutest pillowcases ready for the serger. So if any of you faithful readers are interested in the perfect baby shower gift or just want to revamp your (or your kids) bedroom...send me a little note with fabric preferences and I'll see what I can do. We'll talk prices later...
In any event...I had best be off to fix dinner, let Pixie out to scamper about the house and be always vigilant in my pursuit of ferret poop in the corner! Happy Days!


Unknown said...

Watch out! Ferret poop! There's one positive to not being able to own a pet... Pixie is such an awesome name for a ferret!

God luck with all those sewing projects and finding a job!

Lyns said...

Ummmmm--you are a TOTAL blogging slacker!! Chop chop! Update update!

Nishant said...

Pixie is such an awesome name for a ferret!

Work from home India